Sunday 22 February 2009

Jades wedding nerves as reported on the BBC

Dear Jade,
I wish you a wonderful day with red shoes that you can click the heels of and a yellow brick road called life there for as long as you want to walk it.
Nerves just show that you are marrying for the right reason and that is because you truly love Jack Tweed enough to want to marry him.

I hope you love every minute of the fairy tale Down hall country hotel and that the cake is the best you have ever tasted.I hope the wedding dress as you twirl in it is every bit as magical as Harrods own hero Mohamed Al Fayed intended it to be. And I wish you enough energy to have fun with your much loved boys.
You have captured the imagination of everyone who has lost someone from cancer,who has cancer or who fears it and you have lived and danced like we wish our loved ones could for just one more day.

Max Clifford has kept us all informed like we are friends and not strangers through the press association and the BBC. I notice there are still journalists desperate to capture the most readers who dig through your past with tales of your father Andrew,your mum Jackie Buddon,Jack Tweed the "criminal lover" and your reference to East Angular being abroad. (ask anyone an address in their own town and they wont know). The press must be miffed because you told the world everything in your innocent but honest Bambi way so there is nothing bad for anyone to say.

In fact you are one of the most determined and smartest people I know because you are not dying you are LIVING until the game ends because you are out of time.

Most people don't know they are born until the last nail thuds home. You have given your children not just life but a future and you have saved the lives of thousands of other women because they identify with your vulnerability and earthiness recognising a cervical smear is a very important thing to do.

You have done good in this world and I wish you much happiness and laughter. We need more people like you not less.

Have a wonderful wedding day !

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